Why Understanding Confidential vs. Public Marriage Licenses is Crucial

When it comes to getting married in California, one important decision you’ll need to make is whether to opt for a confidential vs public marriage license. Each option has its benefits and drawbacks, and choosing the right one can affect your privacy, the ceremony format, and access to your marriage record.

Quick Snapshot:

  • Public Marriage License:
  • Part of public record.
  • Requires at least one witness.
  • Accessible by anyone.

  • Confidential Marriage License:

  • Not part of public record.
  • No witnesses required.
  • Accessible only by the couple or with a court order.

Understanding these differences can help you make an informed decision that best fits your personal circumstances and privacy preferences.

I’m Camden Gray Alchanati, founder of Get Married Today, with experience in helping couples navigate the confidential vs public marriage license choices. My expertise ensures that your marriage process is smooth and stress-free, right here in sunny Southern California.

Ready to learn more? Let’s dive into the specifics that will guide you to make the right choice for your special day.

comparison infographic between public and confidential marriage licenses - Confidential vs Public marriage infographic comparison-2-items-casual

For further questions, call (949) 423-6731 or book today.

Understanding Public vs. Confidential Marriage Licenses

Defining a Confidential Marriage License

A confidential marriage license is a legal document that allows couples to marry without making their marriage details public. This type of license is designed for those who value privacy and want to keep their marriage information confidential.

One of the unique aspects of a confidential marriage license is that it doesn’t require witnesses. You can exchange vows in the privacy of your own home or any location of your choosing, without the need for a public ceremony. This can be a significant advantage for couples who prefer an intimate setting.

Despite its private nature, a confidential marriage license is still a legal document. It holds the same legal value as a public marriage license in California. Couples must still meet all other legal requirements for marriage, such as obtaining a valid license and having an authorized person perform the ceremony.

Key Differences from Public Marriage Licenses

Public Marriage License vs. Confidential Marriage License

Feature Public Marriage License Confidential Marriage License
Witness Requirement At least one witness needed No witness needed
Public Record Yes, accessible by anyone No, only accessible by the couple
Privacy Limited, details are public High, details are confidential
Living Together Requirement No Yes, must be living together before applying
Cost $45 – $105 (varies by county) $45 – $105 (varies by county)

Public Record Status

A public marriage license is part of the public record. This means anyone can access your marriage details, including names, dates, and locations. This level of accessibility can lead to unwanted attention or privacy concerns.

In contrast, a confidential marriage license is not accessible by the public. Only the couple can obtain copies, and no one else can access the information without a court order. This added layer of privacy can be particularly beneficial for celebrities, politicians, or anyone who values their personal information’s confidentiality.

Ceremony Requirements

Public marriage licenses typically require at least one witness during the ceremony, making it more suitable for larger weddings. On the other hand, confidential marriage licenses do not require any witnesses, allowing for more private and intimate ceremonies.

Legal Value

Both public and confidential marriage licenses hold the same legal value in California. They carry the same rights, obligations, and protections under the law. Whether you choose a public or confidential license, your marriage will be recognized and legally binding.

For further questions, contact Get Married Today at (949) 423-6731 or book today.

Next, we’ll explore the legal validity and implications of choosing a public or confidential marriage license in California.

Legal Validity and Implications

State Recognition and Acceptance

In California, both public and confidential marriage licenses are recognized by the state and hold the same legal standing. This means that whether you opt for a public or confidential marriage, your marriage will be legally binding and acknowledged.

Legal rights and obligations for married couples are identical, regardless of the type of marriage license. This includes rights related to property, inheritance, and decision-making in medical situations. For example, a confidential marriage license does not affect your ability to make medical decisions for your spouse or your right to inherit their property.

In legal proceedings, a confidential marriage license is just as valid as a public one. This means that it can be used as evidence in court cases, such as divorce or probate proceedings.

Impact on Legal Separation and Divorce Proceedings

When it comes to legal separation and divorce, the type of marriage license you have does not change the process. The court treats both confidential and public marriages equally. All aspects of the divorce, including asset division, spousal support, and child custody arrangements, are determined based on California’s established laws and guidelines.

Asset Division

California is a community property state. This means that all assets and debts acquired during the marriage are considered equally owned by both spouses. Whether you have a confidential or public marriage license, the division of assets will follow the same legal principles.

Child Custody

Child custody arrangements are also unaffected by the type of marriage license. The court will consider the best interests of the child when making custody decisions, taking into account factors such as each parent’s living situation, income, and relationship with the child.

Child Support

Child support obligations remain the same regardless of whether you have a confidential or public marriage. The court will determine child support payments based on various factors, including both parents’ income levels and the amount of time each parent spends with the child.

For further questions, contact Get Married Today at (949) 423-6731 or book today.

Next, we’ll look at how to apply for a confidential marriage license in California.

Applying for a Confidential Marriage License

Eligibility Requirements

To apply for a confidential marriage license in California, you must meet specific eligibility criteria. Here’s what you need to know:

Age: Both parties must be at least 18 years old. Unlike public marriage licenses, confidential licenses do not allow minors to marry, even with parental consent.

Living Together: Couples must already be living together as spouses. This requirement is unique to confidential marriage licenses and is meant to ensure that the couple has a genuine marital relationship.

Affidavit: Both parties need to sign an affidavit confirming that they meet the requirements, including the condition of living together.

Detailed Application Procedure

The application process for a confidential marriage license involves several steps:

1. Visit the County Clerk’s Office: Both parties must go to the county clerk’s office in person. It’s a good idea to check the specific requirements of the county where you plan to apply, as they can vary slightly.

2. Complete the Application Form: You will need to fill out an application form. This form will ask for basic information such as your full names, birth dates, and places of birth.

3. Provide Identification: Both individuals must present valid identification. Acceptable forms include driver’s licenses, passports, or birth certificates.

4. Pay the Fees: The cost of a confidential marriage license varies by county. For example, as of December 2023, the fee in Los Angeles County is $85. Check with your local county clerk for the exact fee.

5. Sign the Application: Both parties must sign the application in the presence of the county clerk to finalize the process.

Organizing Necessary Documentation

To ensure a smooth application process, it’s crucial to have all your documents organized:

Driver’s Licenses or Passports: These are the most commonly accepted forms of identification. Make sure they are valid and unexpired.

Birth Certificates: While not always required, having a certified copy of your birth certificate can help verify your full legal name and date of birth.

Affidavit of Living Together: Be prepared to sign an affidavit confirming that you and your partner are living together as spouses.

Checklists and Copies: Create a checklist of all required documents and make copies of everything before heading to the county clerk’s office. This can help prevent any last-minute issues.

By following these steps and ensuring you have all necessary documentation, you can successfully apply for a confidential marriage license in California. This type of license offers the benefit of privacy, as it is not accessible to the general public.

For further questions, contact Get Married Today at (949) 423-6731 or book today.

Next, we’ll explore the benefits and drawbacks of confidential marriage licenses.

Benefits and Drawbacks of Confidential Marriage Licenses

Multiple Notable Benefits

Privacy: One of the biggest advantages of a confidential marriage license is privacy. Unlike a public marriage license, which is accessible to anyone, a confidential license keeps your personal details—like your full name, date of birth, and place of marriage—out of the public eye. This can be especially useful for celebrities, public figures, or anyone who values their personal privacy.

No Witnesses Required: With a confidential marriage license, you don’t need any witnesses at your ceremony. This can make the process simpler and more intimate, allowing couples to have a private moment without the need for additional participants.

Faster Process: Obtaining a confidential marriage license can be quicker. Since it doesn’t require witnesses, couples can often get their license and proceed with their wedding plans promptly. This is particularly beneficial for those looking to have a spontaneous or last-minute ceremony.

Convenience: Another perk is the convenience of obtaining certified copies. Unlike traditional marriages where you may need to visit the county recorder’s office, couples with a confidential license can request certified copies directly from the county clerk’s office where they obtained their original license.

Potential Drawbacks

Limited Accessibility: One downside is that only the couple can access their marriage record without a court order. This can be inconvenient if you need to prove your marriage status for legal or administrative reasons, as you’ll need to go through additional steps to obtain a copy.

No Public Record: The lack of a public record can also be a drawback. While this provides privacy, it means that your marriage is not easily verifiable by others. This could pose challenges when needing to prove marital status for benefits, insurance, or legal matters.

Potential Hassle for Copies: If you need a copy of your confidential marriage license, you may need to provide a notarized application or obtain a court order, which can be more of a hassle compared to a public license.

Cost Consideration: While the cost difference between public and confidential licenses is minimal (typically $45 to $105 depending on the county), the added steps for obtaining copies or proving your marriage status could incur additional costs, such as notarization fees.

In summary, a confidential marriage license offers significant privacy and convenience benefits, but it also comes with some limitations in terms of accessibility and public record. It’s important to weigh these factors based on your specific needs and circumstances.

For further questions, contact Get Married Today at (949) 423-6731 or book today.

Next, we’ll dive into the financial aspects of confidential marriage licenses.

Financial Aspects of Confidential Marriage Licenses

The License Fee

In California, the fee for obtaining a marriage license varies by county. Generally, a confidential marriage license costs slightly less than a public one. For example, in some counties, a public marriage license costs around $91, while a confidential one is about $85. This small difference can be a deciding factor for some couples.

The fee covers the processing and issuance of the license. Paying by credit or debit card may incur additional convenience fees. For instance, Santa Clara County charges a $2.50 fee for card payments.

The Cost of Divorcing from a Confidential Marriage

The type of marriage license—confidential or public—does not affect the cost of divorce. Divorce expenses include legal fees, court costs, and other associated expenses, which are independent of the type of marriage license obtained.

Couples should consider consulting a divorce attorney to understand the potential costs involved in their specific situation. Legal fees can vary widely depending on the complexity of the case, and court costs are generally fixed but can add up.

Division of Business Assets in Divorce

In California, the division of business assets follows community property laws. This means that any business assets acquired during the marriage are subject to equitable distribution, regardless of whether the couple had a confidential or public marriage license.

Factors such as ownership shares and individual contributions to the business may influence how these assets are divided. Both parties should be prepared to provide detailed financial records and possibly consult with financial experts to ensure a fair division.

For more details on community property laws in California, you can visit the California Courts website.

For further questions, contact Get Married Today at (949) 423-6731 or book today.

Next, we’ll answer some frequently asked questions about confidential vs public marriage.

Frequently Asked Questions about Confidential vs Public Marriage

What is the difference between a public and confidential marriage license?

A public marriage license is a standard option that becomes part of the public record. This means anyone can request a copy of your marriage certificate. It requires at least one witness to be present at the ceremony.

On the other hand, a confidential marriage license is not part of the public record. Only the couple or individuals with a court order can access it. This type of license does not require any witnesses at the ceremony but mandates that the couple already lives together.

Feature Public Marriage License Confidential Marriage License
Public Record Yes No
Witness Requirement Yes No
Accessibility Anyone Only couple or court order
Living Together Requirement No Yes

What are the benefits of a confidential marriage?

There are several benefits to opting for a confidential marriage license:

  • Privacy: Your marriage details remain private and are not accessible to the general public. This is ideal for those who prefer to keep their personal information confidential.

  • No Witnesses Required: You don’t need to have any witnesses present at your ceremony, making the process simpler and more intimate.

  • Faster Process: In some cases, obtaining a confidential marriage license can be quicker.

  • Less Junk Mail: You are less likely to receive spam or telemarketing calls since your information is not publicly available.

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Does confidential marriage affect a green card?

A confidential marriage license is legally valid in California and carries the same weight as a public marriage license. However, it can raise red flags during the immigration process. USCIS may scrutinize your case more closely to ensure the marriage is bona fide, as secret marriages are not typical.

It’s generally advisable to consult with an immigration attorney if you plan to use a confidential marriage license for immigration purposes. This will help you prepare the necessary documentation and address any concerns that USCIS may have.

For more information on the legal validity of marriage licenses, you can visit the California Department of Public Health’s website.

For further questions, contact Get Married Today at (949) 423-6731 or book today.

Next, we’ll delve into the conclusion of our guide on confidential vs public marriage.


Choosing between a confidential vs public marriage license is an important decision for couples in California. Each type offers distinct advantages and potential drawbacks.

Confidential Marriage Licenses offer privacy, no witness requirements, and are only accessible to the couple or with a court order. This makes them ideal for those who value discretion, such as celebrities or individuals with privacy concerns. However, they come with some limitations, like slightly higher fees and more stringent application requirements.

Public Marriage Licenses, on the other hand, are part of the public record and require at least one witness. They are generally more accessible and may be easier to obtain copies of in the future. This option is suitable for most couples who don’t have specific privacy needs.

At Get Married Today, we specialize in helping couples navigate the complexities of obtaining a marriage license in Southern California. Whether you choose a confidential or public marriage license, our team is here to guide you through each step of the process.

For further questions or to start your application, contact us at (949) 423-6731 or book today.

For more detailed information about marriage licenses, visit our marriage license service page.

Choosing the right type of marriage license is crucial for your privacy and future needs. We’re here to help you make the best decision for your unique situation.
